Statistics API

Per Liveblog Statistics APIs


Request: GET /api/analytics/v6/stats/liveblog/{id}/overview.json

Path Parameters:

  • {id}: The liveblog read ID

Return Document:

  "visitorMetrics": {
    // Equivalent to "PageViews", Counts initial loads, clicks on load more
    "tickerLoads": number,
    // Unique Users
    "totalUniques": number,
    // Retention in MS
    "avgRetentionMS": number
    // If totalUniques is based on a sampling of loads, number of loads used
    "samplesForUniques": number
    // If avgRetentionMS is based on a sampling of loads, number of loads used
    "samplesForRetention": number
    "totalViews": number

Statistics for Time Period

Request: GET /api/analytics/v6/stats/liveblog/{id}/{date}/periods.json

Path Parameters:

  • {id}: The liveblog read ID
  • {date}: One of

    • Year (example 2022) will return monthly statistics in that year
    • Month (example 2022-06) will return daily statistics for that month
    • Day (example 2022-06-01) will return hourly statistics for that day

Optional Query Parameters:

  • tz: Name of Timezone (default: UTC)
  • origin: Data scoped to a specific origin

Return Document:

    // Time Period identifier in (partial) ISO8601 format (usefull as input for date)
    "id": string
    // Unix timestamp (in ms) of this time period
    // Statistics for Origin
    "visitorMetrics": VisitorMetrics (see Overview for details)

Statistics per Origin

Request: GET /api/analytics/v6/stats/liveblog/{id}/all/origins.json

Path Parameters:

  • {id}: The liveblog read ID

Return Document:

    // URL of origin
    "normalizedUrl": string
    // Statistics for Origin
    "visitorMetrics": VisitorMetrics (see Overview for details)

Statistics per Location in Origin

Request: GET /api/analytics/v6/stats/liveblog/{id}/all/origin/{origin}/locations.json

Path Parameters:

  • {id}: The liveblog read ID
  • {origin}: The origin to filter location by

Return Document:

    // URL of the location
    "normalizedUrl": string
    // Statistics for Origin
    "visitorMetrics": VisitorMetrics (see Overview for details)