How can custom Ads be displayed?

To add your own Ads to the content of a Liveblog you have to implement two things. An AdProvider T2AdProvider intended to manage the reuse and loading of Advertisments during scrolling and an AdView T2AdView to display the Advertisments in the content. You have to register the AdProvider to the TickarooSDK by calling [TickarooSDK registerProvider: forAdType:]


The AdProvider needs to implement the following method, which is the entry-point for loading Advertisments when they are appearing on screen.

- (void)loadAdViewForRow:(TApiAdRow *)row
                      ad:(TApiAbstractAd *)ad
              completion:(void (^)(UIView<T2AdView> *))completion;


  • row The row object; type TApiAdRow
  • ad The ad object for which the adprovider is registered; type TApiAbstractAd
  • completion Block to be called when loading the AdView is finished. Here you provide the UIView to display.

Example code for an AdProvider registerd for Ads of type TApiCustomerFrameworkAd

- (void)loadAdViewForRow:(TApiAdRow *)row ad:(TApiAbstractAd *)ad completion:(void (^)(UIView<T2AdView> *))completion {
    TApiCustomerFrameworkAd *myAd = nil;
    if ([ad isKindOfClass:[TApiCustomerFrameworkAd class]]) {
        myAd = (TApiCustomerFrameworkAd *)ad;
    if (myAd) {
        @synchronized (myAd) {
            if (myAd.adView && myAd.adView.isLoaded) {
            } else {
                HTMLAdView *adView = [[HTMLAdView alloc] initWithAd:myAd];
                myAd.adView = adView;
                adView.loadCompletionCallback = completion;
                [adView load];
    } else {


For displaying an Advertisment in the content you have to provide an UIView which implements the T2AdView protocol:

@protocol T2AdView <NSObject>
@property (nonatomic, copy) void(^didChangeHeight)();
@property (nonatomic, getter=isLoaded) BOOL loaded;
@property (nonatomic, strong) TApiAbstractAd *ad;

- (CGFloat)heightForWidth:(CGFloat)width;



  • didChangeHeight This block will be assigned by the TickarooSDK and should be called everytime the AdView wants to resize its content. You not call the block on intermediate size changes as this will annoy the user.
  • loaded Tells either or not the content is completly loaded
  • ad Should return the TApiAbstractAd instance the AdView presents.


  • - (CGFloat)heightForWidth:(CGFloat)width Here you have to return the height the AdView wants for a specific width

You can find an example implementation for an AdView displaying HTML-Ads from and one displaying simple Image-Ads in our Embed-Demo