Content Blocks

The Editor V2 creates liveblog entries as an array of content block. Each block has at least the following fields:

  • _type: indicating what kind of content block it is.
  • local_id: a unique id of the content block


Displays a block of HTML.

  "_type": "Tik::Model::Content::RichTextContentBlock",
  "local_id": "",
  // HTML Formated rich text
  "text": ""

We only allow a specific subset of HTML Tags, all other tags will be stripped out!

  <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><!-- target and rel will be added automatically! --></a>


Displays one or more pictures/videos

  "_type": "Tik::Model::Content::MultiMediaContentBlock",
  "local_id": "",
  // List of media items to display
  "items": []
  // Either "slideshow" or "default", if null or empty string "default" is used
  "display_type": ""


Displays either a rich link or an embed (depending on target and consent settings)

  "_type": "Tik::Model::Content::WebEmbedContentBlock",
  "local_id": "",
  // The URL or Embed Code the of the target
  "url": ""
  // Contains information obtained by oembed lookups (plus tickaroo proprietary additions)
  "oembed_json": ""


Special way to display an author and quote

  "_type": "Tik::Model::Content::QuoteContentBlock",
  "local_id": "",
  // Plain text quote
  "text": ""
  // Plain text author name
  "author": ""
  // if set, author will link to this URL
  "source": ""


Displays a big emoji followed by rich text HTML.

  "_type": "Tik::Model::Content::RichTextContentBlock",
  "local_id": "",
  // The UTF code of the emoji to display
  "emoji": ""
  // HTML formatted rich text
  "title": ""


Displays a big emoji followed by rich text HTML.

  "_type": "Tik::Model::Content::PlayerCardContentBlock",
  "local_id": "",
  "title": ""
  // The player to display
  "player": {
    "_type": "Tik::Model::Player",
    "_id": "",
    "name": "",
    "image": "",
    "birthdate": 132456789,
    "gender": "m"|"f"|"o"
    "number": "",
    "position": "",
    "weight": 0,
    "height": 0,

