Display a Liveblog

For displaying Liveblogs you need to add the TickarooSDKReadModule and there are a few more options for the Builder:

  .addModule(new TickarooSDKReadModule())
  .setAdProvider(new SampleAdProvider())
  • refreshBehaviour
    • RefreshBehaviour.RefreshAuto automated reload every 30 seconds
    • RefreshBehaviour.RefreshUser no automated reload. User has to press the refresh button or swipe down (pull to refresh)
  • scoreboardImageMode
    • ScoreboardImageMode.ScoreboardImageModeOwner image of organization or user in scorboard scoreboard image
    • ScoreboardImageMode.ScoreboardImageModeNone no image scoreboard without image
  • SampleAdProvider: see How can custom Ads be displayed?

To initialize and display a Liveblog you have to create a TickerRef, assign a tickerId and request an Intent from the SDK to present it in your app. When the Intent is ready, the TickarooSDKRefCallback you provided will be called. If something goes wrong, the callback will be called with null.

TickerRef tickerRef = new TickerRef();

TickarooSDK.requestIntentForRef(SampleActivity.this, tickerRef, new TickarooSDKRefCallback() {
  public void callback(@Nullable Intent intent) {
    if (intent != null) {

Relevant properties of the TickerRef

The following properties are used


  • tickerId The id of the Liveblog


  • limit Limit the number of events per request, default 15
  • loadMoreLimit Limit the number of events per load more request, default 15
  • eventLocalId The deep linked event local id
  • tagFilter Comma separated list of tag ids to filter
  • showScoreboard Indicates whether to include the scoreboeard in the screen, default true
  • showMatches Indicates whether to includes matches if any, default true
  • showEvents Indicates whether to include events in the screen, default true
  • showLineup Indicates whether to include the lineup in the screen, default true
  • showEventMeta Indicates whether to include reporter information in events, default “off”



the following fonts can be configured

  • <string name="tickaroo_font_family_medium" translatable="false">sans-serif-light</string>
  • <string name="tickaroo_font_family_light" translatable="false">sans-serif-light</string>
  • <string name="tickaroo_font_family_black" translatable="false">sans-serif-light</string>
  • <string name="tickaroo_font_family_regular" translatable="false">sans-serif-light</string>
  • <string name="tickaroo_font_file_live" translatable="false">Mono Test Font.ttf</string>


the following colors can be configured

  • <color name="tickaroo_window_background">#f3f4f9</color>
  • <color name="tickaroo_primary_color">#234567</color>
  • <color name="tickaroo_primary_color_dark">#456789</color>
  • <color name="tickaroo_accent_color">#765432</color>
  • <color name="tickaroo_accent_color_dark">#98765432</color>

toolbar background gradient and scoreboard

scoreboard example

  1. toolbar gradient colors
    • <color name="tickaroo_gradient_start">#000000</color>
    • <color name="tickaroo_gradient_end">#FFFFFF</color>
  2. scorboard toolbar height
    • <dimen name="tickaroo_scoreboard_toolbar_height">0dp</dimen>
  3. scoreboard margin to the left
    • <dimen name="tickaroo_scoreboard_margin_left">12dp</dimen>
  4. scoreboard background color
    • <color name="tickaroo_scoreboard_background">#D3D3D3</color>


row example

  1. window background color
    • <color name="tickaroo_window_background">#f3f4f9</color>
  2. card background color
    • <color name="tickaroo_card_background">#FFFFFF</color>
  3. margin left
    • <dimen name="tickaroo_row_margin_left">14dp</dimen>
  • additional
    • <dimen name="tickaroo_round_corners_radius">0dp</dimen>
    • <dimen name="tickaroo_round_corners_background_radius">0dp</dimen>
    • color of the highlight line <color name="tickaroo_event_highlight_color">#123456</color>

Hint: to disable the card style set tickaroo_window_background and tickaroo_card_background to the same color

milestone row

milestone example

  1. text size
    • <dimen name="tickaroo_text_size_milestone">18sp</dimen>
  2. arrow visible
    • <bool name="tickaroo_milestone_arrow_visible">true</bool>

spacer row

Spacer rows are inserted after each configured row element.

spacer example

  1. padding top
    • <dimen name="tickaroo_spacer_padding_top">50dp</dimen>
  2. padding bottom
    • dimen name="tickaroo_spacer_padding_bottom">80dp</dimen>
  • color of the line <color name="tickaroo_spacer_color">#FF0000</color>

  • spacer rows are enabled with this settings

    • <bool name="tickaroo_spacer_after_milestone_row">false</bool>
    • <bool name="tickaroo_spacer_after_event_row">true</bool>
    • <bool name="tickaroo_spacer_after_ad_row">false</bool>
    • <bool name="tickaroo_spacer_after_section_headline_row">false</bool>
    • <bool name="tickaroo_spacer_after_button_row">false</bool>
    • <bool name="tickaroo_spacer_after_load_prev_row">false</bool>
    • <bool name="tickaroo_spacer_after_load_next_row">false</bool>
    • <bool name="tickaroo_spacer_after_team_game_highlight_row">false</bool>
    • <bool name="tickaroo_spacer_after_lineup_row">false</bool>

If necessary, the application handle all links to websites or social media itself.

TickarooSDKDelegate.navigateToRef() gets called when a ref was clicked

  • ref to be handled
  • context Calling Context, typically but not necessarily derived from Activity.

return true if ref was handled by the app, false if it should be handled by the SDK. Default implementation returns false.

A UrlRef can be typically handled by the application itself.

  • url the url


class SampleDelegate extends TickarooSDKDelegate {
    private String TAG = "SDK SAMPLE";

    public void trackView(@NotNull String view, @NotNull LoadingType type, @Nullable Map<String, Object> userInfos) {
        Log.d(TAG, "View Tracked: $view, $type, $userInfos");

    public void trackEvent(@NotNull String category, @NotNull String action) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Event Tracked: $category, $action");

    public void didTrackEvent(@NotNull IEvent event) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Did track Event: " + event.get_type());

  public boolean navigateToRef(@NotNull IAbstractRef ref, @NotNull Context context) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Navigated to Ref: " + ref.get_type());
        return super.navigateToRef(ref, context);

trackView() is called when a screen appeared

  • view canonical name of the screen
  • type the way the screen was loaded
  • userInfos additional information about the screen, including user specific tracking TikUserTrackingInfo

didTrackEvent() gets called when an IEvent was tracked

  • event the tracked event

Sample tracking output:

SDK SAMPLE: View Tracked: /android/TickerRead, TYPE_LOAD, {userTrackInfo1=value 58e3b1ebf7596cf6cfae69c1, identifier=58e3b1ebf7596cf6cfae69c1, info=null}
SDK SAMPLE: Did track Event: Tik::ApiModel::Analytics::TickerLoadEvent
SDK SAMPLE: Navigated to Ref: Tik::ApiModel::MediaSlideshowRef
SDK SAMPLE: Did track Event: Tik::ApiModel::Analytics::MediaViewEvent
SDK SAMPLE: View Tracked: /android/Slideshow, TYPE_LOAD, {info=}
SDK SAMPLE: View Tracked: /android/TickerRead, TYPE_LOAD, {userTrackInfo1=value 58e3b1ebf7596cf6cfae69c1, identifier=58e3b1ebf7596cf6cfae69c1, info=null}
SDK SAMPLE: Did track Event: Tik::ApiModel::Analytics::TickerLoadEvent
SDK SAMPLE: View Tracked: /android/TickerRead, TYPE_REFRESH, {identifier=58e3b1ebf7596cf6cfae69c1}
SDK SAMPLE: Did track Event: Tik::ApiModel::Analytics::TickerLoadEvent

Userspecific Tracking Data

To receive user specific tracking data a list of TikUserTrackingInfo can be passed when calling requestIntentForRef

ArrayList<TikUserTrackingInfo> userTrackInfos = new ArrayList<>();
userTrackInfos.add(new TikUserTrackingInfo("userTrackInfo1", "value track id"));

TickarooSDK.requestIntentForRef(SampleActivity.this, tickerRef, userTrackInfos, new TickarooSDKRefCallback() {});

These TikUserTrackingInfo are returned each time a trackView occures

How can custom Ads be displayed?

To display custom ads in a liveblog you can set the TickarooSDKAdProvider when initalizing the SDK.

    .setAdProvider(new SampleAdProvider())

Your TickarooSDKAdProvider gets called when an ad is displayed. You can use the parent to inflate your custom view in it. Please do not add the view to the parent (leave the last parameter on .inflate to false) – this is done in the SDK itself.

To handle click events you need to set an onClickListener on the parent. OnClickListeners inside of the View will not work.

class SampleAdProvider implements TickarooSDKAdProvider {
    public View provideAdRow(@NotNull final ViewGroup parent, @NotNull IAdRow row, int position) {
        View view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.ad_row_sample, parent, false);
        //view.tickaroo_ad_row_example_text1.text = "AdRow position – ${position}"
        //view.tickaroo_ad_row_example_text2.text = "${row.placementId}"
        parent.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            @Override public void onClick(View v) {
                Toast.makeText(parent.getContext(), "Clicked", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        return view;