The goal of this API is to manage liveblogs (games), teams, players and tournaments in your organization account.
All requests and responses are application/json content type and follow typical HTTP response status codes for success and failure. It is highly recommended to use HTTPS to protect your API credentials during requests. The base URL for all requests is:
A successful response is indicated by HTTP status code 200 and always contain an optional body. If the response has a body it will be documented below.
Unless otherwise stated, errors to bad requests will respond with HTTP 4xx or status codes. The body will contain a JSON document detailing the error. General error codes include:
Code | Status Text | Possible Reason |
400 | Bad Request | There was an error with the format of your request (for example a missing parameter) |
401 | Unauthorized | The credentials you used to access the API are invalid |
403 | Forbidden | You do not have access to this specific resource |
404 | Not Found | The specific resource was not found |
422 | Unprocessable Entity | The resource posted document is invalid (for example the format of a field is incorrect) |
500 | Internal Server Error | We had a problem with our server. If the error persists, please contact our support and provide the request you tried to execute |
Tickaroo will Provide you with an client_id
and client_secret
that allows you to access resources within your organization directly.
Authentication to the API is performed via query parameters. Just add the client_id
and client_secret
to your query and set them to the corresponding values.
Parsing Guidelines
Every JSON object in the API’s response contains a _type
field indicating what type of object is returned. The _type
field is always string starting with Tik::Model::
. The documentation will use this string do define object types.
All dates and timestamps in the API are transmitted as 32bit UNIX Timestamps. The object documentation will call those fields “Timestamp”.
Fields declared “ObjectID” in the documentation are string matching the regular expression /\A[0-9a-fA-F]{24}\Z/
Field declared “Sportstype” must contain a valid sportstype identifier. Valid identifiers are:
ID | Name | Release Stage |
american_football |
American Football | released |
basketball |
Basketball | released |
cycling |
Cycling | beta |
cyclocross |
Cyclocross | beta |
gaelic_sports |
Gaelic Games | released |
icehockey |
Icehockey | released |
handball |
Handball | released |
news |
News | released |
rugby_union |
Rugby | released |
soccer |
Soccer | released |
tennis |
Tennis | beta |
We are currently in the progress of migrating the v3 templates to v4. More templates will be available soon. Let us know if you miss something.
General Object Types
General error message usually used 400, 401, 403 Responses.
"_type": "Tik::Model::ApiError",
// (string) contains a detailed error message
"message": ""
General success message without specific return value.
"_type": "Tik::Model::ApiSuccess"
Validation error usually used for 422 Responses.
"_type": "Tik::Model::ValidationError"
"errors": [
"_type": "Tik::Model::ValidationErrorItem",
// (string) attribute with failed validation
"attribute": ""
// (string) error message
"error": ""
General paginated list.
"_type": "Tik::Model::ApiCollection",
// (int) the total number of results in the list
"total": 0,
// (int) the index of the first element of result
"offset": 0,
// (array<?>) the result list
"items": []
Status codes for entities with a “status” attribute.
- 0: StatusDefault
- 40: StatusProtected
- 50: StatusInaccessable
- 51: StatusInaccessableByTickaroo
- 60: StatusUnpublished
- 90: StatusBlocked
- 100: StatusDeleted