Record videos into a Liveblog

For integrating videoclips mode you need to add the TickarooSDKVideoclipsModule and you have to add a TickarooSDKLoginManager to the Builder. For the module you have to provide an array of TickarooSDKSportstypes. Only tickers with a sportstype included in this array will be available here.

TickarooSDKSportstypes[] sportstypes = { TickarooSDKSportstypes., TickarooSDKSportstypes. };
  .addModule(new TickarooSDKVideoclipsModule(sportstypes))
  .setLoginManager(new SampleLoginManager())

To start videoclips mode, you have to create a TickerWriteVideoClipRef and set the localId of your ticker. Then request an Intent from the SDK for it. When the Intent is ready, the TickarooSDKRefCallback you provided will be called. If something goes wrong, the callback will be called with null.

TickerWriteVideoClipRef videoRef = new TickerWriteVideoClipRef();
TickarooSDK.requestIntentForRef(SampleActivity.this, videoRef, new TickarooSDKRefCallback() {
  public void callback(@Nullable Intent intent) {
    if (intent != null) {


If you want to post videos to a ticker, your user has to be authenticated to the TickarooSDK. This will be accomplished by an implementation of TickarooSDKLoginManager. If you request an Intent for a Ref that needs a user, TickarooSDKLoginManager.requestLogin() will be called with a TickarooSDKLoginCallback if no user is logged in. There you have to retreive the user cretentials (user name, user id and auth token) and call the provided callback. The credentials then will be stored in the SDK until they expire or you log out the user. This storage is persistent so a user stays logged in across sessions. You can log out by calling TickarooSDK.logout().