Mobile SDK for iOS

Installation with CocoaPods

We host our own cocoapods repository, so you have to add it to your sources by adding this line to your Podfile

source ''

Add the TickarooSDK pod to your Podfile by inserting the following line where applicable:

pod 'TickarooSDK'

Example Podfile:

source ''
source ''

target 'TickarooSDKTest' do
    pod 'TickarooSDK'

Integrating and initializing the SDK

The SDK should be initialized at application-launch, so add


#import <TickarooSDK/TickarooSDK.h>


@import TickarooSDK;


import TickarooSDK

at the top of your UIApplicationDelegate.

In - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;

of your UIApplicationDelegate you need to call the initialization-code of the TickarooSDK


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {


    [TickarooSDK application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions
    return YES;


func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    TickarooSDK.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions, 
        delegate: yourDelegate,
        options: [
        styling: [

    return true

your TickarooSDKDelegate (for Example the UIApplicationDelegate) needs to implement the following method

- (UINavigationController *)rootNavigationControllerForTickarooSDK:(TickarooSDK *)tickarooSDK;

and return an UINavigationController Instance for the Embeded Ticker to work on. The SDK will use this controller for pushing and presenting new ViewControllers if necessary.

Example AppDelegate.m:


#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "ViewController.h"

@import TickarooSDK;

@interface AppDelegate ()<TickarooSDKDelegate>

@property (strong, nonatomic) UINavigationController *rootNavigationController;


@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    _window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame: UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds];
    _rootNavigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc]];
    _rootNavigationController.navigationBar.translucent = false;
    _window.rootViewController = _rootNavigationController;
    [_window makeKeyAndVisible];
    [TickarooSDK application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions
                               TickarooOptionScoreboardImageMode : @(T2ScoreboardImageModeOwner),
                               TickarooOptionRefreshBehavior :@(T2RefreshUser),
                               TickarooOptionApiClientID : @"1234567890",
                               TickarooOptionApiHost : @"",
                               TickarooOptionLanguage : @"de"
                               TickarooStylingButtonCornerRadius : @(5),
                               TickarooStylingImageCornerRadius : @(5)
    return YES;

#pragma mark - TickarooSDKDelegate
- (UINavigationController *)rootNavigationControllerForTickarooSDK:(TickarooSDK *)tickarooSDK {
    return _rootNavigationController;


import UIKit
import TickarooSDK

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    let viewController = ViewController()
    lazy var rootNavigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewController)
    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
        rootNavigationController.navigationBar.isTranslucent = false
        window?.rootViewController = rootNavigationController
        TickarooSDK.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions, delegate: self, options: [
                TickarooOptionScoreboardImageMode: NSNumber(value: T2ScoreboardImageModeOwner.rawValue),
                TickarooOptionApiClientID: "1234567890",
                TickarooOptionApiHost: "",
                TickarooOptionLanguage: "de"
            ], styling: [
                TickarooStylingButtonCornerRadius: NSNumber(value: 5),
                TickarooStylingImageCornerRadius: NSNumber(value: 5)
        return true

extension AppDelegate: TickarooSDKDelegate {
    func rootNavigationController(for tickarooSDK: TickarooSDK!) -> UINavigationController! {
        return rootNavigationController

Display a Liveblog

To initialize and display a Liveblog you have to create a TickerRef (TApiTickerRef), assign a tickerId and retrieve a ViewController from the SDK to present it in your app.


TApiTickerRef *ref = [[TApiTickerRef alloc] init];
ref.tickerId = @"1234567890";
ref.showMeta = false;
ref.showScoreboard = false;

[TickarooSDK requestViewControllerForRef:ref callback:^(UIViewController<TickarooSDKController> *vc) {
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:true];


let ref = TApiTickerRef()
ref.tickerId = "1234567890"
ref.showMeta = false
ref.showScoreboard = false

TickarooSDK.requestViewController(for: ref) { [weak self] vc in {
        self?.navigationController?.pushViewController($0, animated: true)

Relevant properties of the TickerRef

The following properties are used to display a liveblog


  • tickerId The id of the liveblog


  • limit Limit the number of events per request, default 15
  • loadMoreLimit Limit the number of events load more request, default 15
  • eventLocalId The deep linked event local id
  • tagFilter Comma separated list of tag ids to filter
  • showScoreboard Indicates whether to include the scoreboeard in the screen, default true
  • showMatches Indicates whether to includes matches if any, default true
  • showEvents Indicates whether to include events in the screen, default true
  • showLineup Indicates whether to include the lineup in the screen, default true
  • showEventMeta Indicates whether to include reporter information in events, default “off”

you can find the header in <TickarooSDK/TApiTickerRef.h>


You can configure the SDK during initialization with the following keys


  • TickarooOptionApiClientID
    • NSString your clientID for tickaroo



  • TickarooOptionApiSchema
    • NSString (http or https), default is https
  • TickarooOptionApiHost
    • NSString ( or for tests)
  • TickarooOptionApiPort
    • NSNumber
  • TickarooOptionDisplayDebugViews
    • NSNumber @YES or @NO; if @YES views describing the content will be displayed


Display Options


with the TickarooOptionScoreboardImageMode option you can control either or not the image of the liveblog owner should be displayed in the scoreboard. This will not change the layout, as we align the scoreboard labels with the content. You have to provide a value of type T2ScoreboardImageMode.

typedef enum : NSUInteger {
} T2ScoreboardImageMode;


Scoreboard example


Scoreboard example


you can configure the icon position of the event icon.

  • TickarooOptionAlternativeIconLayout : @(NO)

EventRow example

  • TickarooOptionAlternativeIconLayout : @(YES)

EventRow example


you can show the share icon in the slideshow, default is not visible.

  • TickarooOptionDisplayShareInSlideshow : @(NO)
  • TickarooOptionDisplayShareInSlideshow : @(YES)

Slideshow example


you can display an arrow after a milestone item to indicate it is referring to an event. Default is no arrow.

  • TickarooOptionDisplayArrowAfterMilestone : @(YES)

Milestone example

  • TickarooOptionDisplayArrowAfterMilestone : @(NO)

Milestone example


You can configure the colors with the following styling keys

  • TickarooStylingPrimaryColor
    • UIColor default is the Tickaroo-green
  • TickarooStylingPrimaryColorDark
    • UIColor default is a dark variant of Tickaroo-green
  • TickarooStylingAccentColor
    • UIColor default is light orange
  • TickarooStylingAccentColorDark
    • UIColor default is dark orange


  • TickarooStylingMainBackgroundColor
    • UIColor The color of the background behind the whole content. Default is a light gray.
  • TickarooStylingCellBackgroundColor
    • UIColor The color of the background of one single Cell/Row. Default is white.

Links and Highlight

  • TickarooStylingLinkColor
    • UIColor default is PrimaryColor
  • TickarooStylingHighlightColor
    • UIColor default is PrimaryColor


  • TickarooStylingButtonBackgroundColor
    • UIColor default is PrimaryColor
  • TickarooStylingButtonTitleColor
    • UIColor default is white
  • TickarooStylingHighlightButtonBackgroundColor
    • UIColor default is PrimaryColorDark
  • TickarooStylingHighlightButtonTitleColor
    • UIColor default is white


You can globally configure the Fonts being used with the following styling keys.

  • TickarooStylingFontLight
  • TickarooStylingFontRegular
  • TickarooStylingFontMedium
  • TickarooStylingFontBold
  • TickarooStylingFontLive

each font configuration is a NSDictionary consisting following keys

  • TickarooStylingFontName
    • NSString The name of the font
  • TickarooStylingFontSizeSmall
    • NSNumber The size for small text
  • TickarooStylingFontSizeBody
    • NSNumber The size for regular text
  • TickarooStylingFontSizeHeadline
    • NSNumber The size for headlines

The values you provide are used as reference points and might be slightly altered in some UI-Elements e.g. TickarooStylingFontSizeSmall + 1


  • TickarooStylingBackgroundCornerRadius NSNumber Radius from the, default white, background behind the content.
  • TickarooStylingImageCornerRadius NSNumber Radius of the images in an EventRow
  • TickarooStylingButtonCornerRadius NSNumber Radius of the Buttons in a ButtonRow

Margins and Paddings


NSValue with UIEdgeInset. Controlls the left and right insets of the liveblog (gray color areas in the screenshot); top and bottom is ignored. On the iPad or landscape, the content will not become larger than 500px and the left and right insets will be set accordingly.

Milestone example

If you dont want the default left and right insets but also dont want the content that close to the edges, setting TickarooStylingMainBackgroundColor TickarooStylingMainBackgroundColor to the same value might be the better option for you.

Milestone example


NSNumber with a double value. Controlls the width of the left (state) column of, for example, the MilestoneRow. If Zero, the value will be ingored.

TickarooStylingStateRatioMultiplier with value 1.5

Milestone example

Styling individual Rows

For finer control over the appearance of individual rows you can use the TickarooSDKRowAppearance class. This class implements the UIAppearance protocol and is a proxy to the internal UICollectionViewCell subclasses we are using. You can add space and a line below an individual row-type and set the attributes of most of the used labels by using the same options as in the NSAttributedString class.

Bottom Space

There are three methods to configure the additional space below a row-type

- (void)setBottomSpacerInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)insets forRow:(Class<TApiAbstractRowClass>)rowClass

with the BottomSpacerInsets you define the dimensions of the additional space. The optional line is below the row and BottomSpacerInsets.bottom above the following row.

- (void)setBottomLineHeight:(CGFloat)height forRow:(Class<TApiAbstractRowClass>)rowClass

with the BottomLineHeight you define the height of the line. If zero, no line is drawn.

- (void)setBottomLineColor:(UIColor *)color forRow:(Class<TApiAbstractRowClass>)rowClass

with the BottomLineColor you define the color of the line.

Bottomspace example

Code for the example above


[[TickarooSDKRowAppearance appearance] setBottomSpacerInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(15, 2, 15, 2) forRow:[TApiMilestoneRow tikModelClass]];
[[TickarooSDKRowAppearance appearance] setBottomLineHeight:2 forRow:[TApiMilestoneRow tikModelClass]];
[[TickarooSDKRowAppearance appearance] setBottomLineColor:[UIColor greenColor] forRow:[TApiMilestoneRow tikModelClass]];


TickarooSDKRowAppearance.appearance().setBottomSpacerInsets(.init(top: 15, left: 2, bottom: 15, right: 2), forRow: TApiMilestoneRow.tik())
TickarooSDKRowAppearance.appearance().setBottomLineHeight(2, forRow: TApiMilestoneRow.tik())
TickarooSDKRowAppearance.appearance().setBottomLineColor(.green, forRow: TApiMilestoneRow.tik())

Text Attributes

To define the text attributes of a specific row-type you can use this method:

- (void)setTextAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes

The attributes parameter is similar to the attributes used by the NSAttributedString class. There is no specific limitation, but some combinations might break the layout. Also some labels are single-lined, so altering paragraph attributes might not show any effects.

The rowClass parameter is the tikModelClass of the row-type you want to alter. You get this value by calling [RowClass tikModelClass] for example [TApiMilestoneRow tikModelClass]

The styleElement parameter specifies which text element you want to alter. Possible values are defined in the following Enum:

typedef enum : NSUInteger {
} T2StyleElement;

Note: Not all rows support all styleElements.

Note: There are two possible states an Event or the Liveblog can have, LiveState or TimeState. For text indicating the LiveState the TickarooStylingFontLive font is used by default. For normal rows the LiveState or TimeState element is the text in the left state-column


The most important row is the EventRow. The location of the header is <TickarooSDK/TApiEventRow.h> you can configure the text attributes Title, Text, TimeState and LiveState. Additional options influencing the appearance of the EventRow are:

EventRow example

Row Settings

  • T2StyleElementTitle Green in the example.
  • T2StyleElementTimeState Blue in the example.
  • T2StyleElementText Red in the example.

Global Colors

  • TickarooStylingLinkColor Purple in the example.
  • TickarooStylingHighlightColor Brown in the example.

Global Settings

  • TickarooStylingStateRatioMultiplier 1.5 in the example.
  • TickarooStylingImageCornerRadius 0 in the example.

Code for the example above


NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle =;
paragraphStyle.alignment = NSTextAlignmentLeft;
[[TickarooSDKRowAppearance appearance] setTextAttributes: @{NSParagraphStyleAttributeName : paragraphStyle, NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor blueColor]}
                                              forRow:[TApiEventRow tikModelClass] styleElement:T2StyleElementTimeState];

NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyleLineSpacing =;
paragraphStyleLineSpacing.lineSpacing = 4;
[[TickarooSDKRowAppearance appearance] setTextAttributes:@{NSParagraphStyleAttributeName : paragraphStyleLineSpacing, NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor greenColor]}
                                              forRow:[TApiEventRow tikModelClass]
[[TickarooSDKRowAppearance appearance] setTextAttributes:@{NSParagraphStyleAttributeName : paragraphStyleLineSpacing, NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor redColor]}
                                              forRow:[TApiEventRow tikModelClass]


let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
paragraphStyle.alignment = .left
        NSAttributedString.Key.paragraphStyle: paragraphStyle,
    ], forRow: TApiEventRow.tik(), 
 styleElement: T2StyleElementTimeState)

let paragraphStyleLineSpacing = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
paragraphStyleLineSpacing.lineSpacing = 4
        NSAttributedString.Key.paragraphStyle: paragraphStyleLineSpacing,
    ], forRow: TApiEventRow.tik(), 
 styleElement: T2StyleElementTitle)

        NSAttributedString.Key.paragraphStyle: paragraphStyleLineSpacing,
    ], forRow: TApiEventRow.tik(), 
 styleElement: T2StyleElementText)


For the MilestoneRow (TApiMilestoneRow) you can configure the text attributes Title, TimeState and LiveState. Additional options influencing the appearance of the MilestoneRow are:

MilestoneRow example

Row Settings

  • T2StyleElementTitle Green in the example.
  • T2StyleElementTimeState Blue in the example.

Global Settings

  • TickarooStylingStateRatioMultiplier 1.5 in the example.

Code for the example above


[[TickarooSDKRowAppearance appearance] setTextAttributes: @{NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor blueColor]}
                          forRow:[TApiMilestoneRow tikModelClass]

[[TickarooSDKRowAppearance appearance] setTextAttributes:@{NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor greenColor]}
                          forRow:[TApiMilestoneRow tikModelClass]


                               forRow: TApiMilestoneRow.tik(),
                         styleElement: T2StyleElementTimeState)

                               forRow: TApiMilestoneRow.tik(),
                         styleElement: T2StyleElementTitle)


For the ButtonRow (TApiButtonRow) you can configure the text attributes for Title. Additional options influencing the appearance of the MilestoneRow are:

  • TickarooStylingButtonCornerRadius
  • TickarooStylingButtonBackgroundColor
  • TickarooStylingButtonTitleColor
  • TickarooStylingHighlightButtonBackgroundColor
  • TickarooStylingHighlightButtonTitleColor

As the text attributes override the global options, you should consider only using the global attributes for the title-color as you lose the highlight feature by overriding the text attributes.

ButtonRow example

Global Settings

  • TickarooStylingButtonCornerRadius 0 in the example.
  • TickarooStylingButtonBackgroundColor Yellow in the example.
  • TickarooStylingButtonTitleColor Magenta in the example.


you can configure the text stylings of the LineupRow (TApiLineupRow).

LineupRow example

  • T2StyleElementTitle The name of the Team. Green in the example.
  • T2StyleElementSubTitle The positon of the following players. Blue in the example.
  • T2StyleElementText The name of the player. Red in the example.

Code for the example above

[[TickarooSDKRowAppearance appearance] setTextAttributes:@{NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor redColor]}
                                              forRow:[TApiLineupRow tikModelClass]
[[TickarooSDKRowAppearance appearance] setTextAttributes:@{NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor greenColor]}
                                              forRow:[TApiLineupRow tikModelClass]
[[TickarooSDKRowAppearance appearance] setTextAttributes:@{NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor blueColor]}
                                              forRow:[TApiLineupRow tikModelClass]

Automatic vs Manual Reloading


with the TickarooOptionRefreshBehavior option you can control how the liveblog reload is handled. You have to provide a value of type T2Refresh.

typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, T2Refresh) {
    T2RefreshDisabled  = 0,
    T2RefreshUser      = 1 << 0,
    T2RefreshAuto      = 1 << 1,
    T2RefreshNotify    = 1 << 2,
    T2RefreshNormal    = (T2RefreshUser | T2RefreshAuto),
  • T2RefreshDisabled The user can not reload the content at all.
  • T2RefreshUser The content is reloaded by user interaction e.g. pull-to-reload or button click.
  • T2RefreshAuto The content is reloaded automatically, no user interaction is required. The interval of the reload is controlled by the backend.
  • T2RefreshNotify Not available yet
  • T2RefreshNormal The Content is both, reloaded by user interaction and automatically. Default

If necessary, the application handle all links to websites or social media itself. The TickarooSDKDelegate protocol provides the necessary callback for this.

- (BOOL)tickarooSDK:(TickarooSDK *)tickarooSDK navigateToRef:(TApiAbstractRef *)ref;

with this method the TickarooSDK asks the delegate if it wants to handle an ref (type:TApiAbstractRef; our object for cross-referencing data). If the delegate decides to handle a ref it needs to return true, telling the TickarooSDK to skip the default behavior. The most relevant ref for handling manually is the UrlRef (TikApiUrlRef).

interesting properties from TikApiUrlRef:

  • url NSString The url of the target

Example code for opening a web-link in safari:


- (BOOL)tickarooSDK:(TickarooSDK *)tickarooSDK navigateToRef:(TApiAbstractRef *)ref {
    if ([ref isKindOfClass:[TApiUrlRef class]]) {
        TApiUrlRef *urlRef = (TApiUrlRef *)ref;
        if ([urlRef.url hasPrefix:@"http"]) { // we want to handle http(s) urls ourself
            [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlRef.url] options:@{} completionHandler:nil]; // open this url in webbrowser
            return true; // tell the SDK to ignore this ref
    return false; // tell the SDK to use default behavior


func tickarooSDK(_ tickarooSDK: TickarooSDK!, navigateTo ref: TApiAbstractRef!) -> Bool {
    if let ref = ref as? TApiUrlRef, ref.url.hasPrefix("http"), let url = URL(string: ref.url) {, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
        return true
    return false


To implement IVW Conformant tracking, implement the following method from the TickarooSDKDelegate protocol

- (void)tickarooSDK:(TickarooSDK *)tickarooSDK 
          trackView:(NSString *)view 
         identifier:(NSString *)identifier 
          userInfos:(NSDictionary *)userInfos;


  • tickarooSDK: The TickarooSDK instance
  • trackView: The kind of view for which the event occurred, possible values are ‘screen’, ‘image’, ‘web’
  • identifier: An identifier to differentiate different views. For ‘screen’ the _id of the liveblog, for ‘image’ the _id of the media, for ‘web’ the url.
  • type: One of T2ViewTrackingTypeAppear and T2ViewTrackingTypeLoad
  • userInfos: User defined informations to provide more context to the delegate

There are two types of tracking types defined in the following Enum:

typedef enum : NSUInteger {
} T2ViewTrackingType;
  • T2ViewTrackingTypeAppear Will be called when a Liveblog is first displayed, a webembed is displayed or a user swipes to an image in the slideshow
  • T2ViewTrackingTypeLoad Will be called when a User initiated refresh occurred

To provide your own userInfos to your delegate, assign a NSDictionary to the trackingUserInfos property of the UIViewController instance you get from the TickarooSDK method + (void)requestViewControllerForRef:(TApiAbstractRef *)ref callback:(void (^)(UIViewController<TickarooSDKController> *viewController))callback.

Example code for assigning and retrieving the userInfos


- (void)showTicker:(NSString *)tickerId {
    TApiTickerRef *ref = [[TApiTickerRef alloc] init];
    ref.tickerId = tickerId;    
    [TickarooSDK requestViewControllerForRef:ref callback:^(UIViewController<TickarooSDKController> *vc) {
        vc.trackingUserInfos = @{@"myCustomTrackingId": @"1234"};
        [self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:true];

- (void)tickarooSDK:(TickarooSDK *)tickarooSDK trackView:(NSString *)view identifier:(NSString *)identifier type:(T2ViewTrackingType)type userInfos:(NSDictionary *)userInfos {
    [self sendDataToServer:userInfos[@"myCustomTrackingId"] forEvent:type == T2ViewTrackingTypeLoad ? @"load" : @"appear"];  


func showTicker(with id: String) {
    let ref = TApiTickerRef()
    ref.tickerId = id    
    TickarooSDK.requestViewController(for: ref) { [weak self] vc in {
            $0.trackingUserInfos = ["myCustomTrackingId": "1234"]
            self?.navigationController?.pushViewController($0, animated: true)

func tickarooSDK(_ tickarooSDK: TickarooSDK!, trackView view: String!, identifier: String!, type: T2ViewTrackingType, userInfos: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
    if let customTrackingId = userInfos["myCustomTrackingId"] as? String {
        sendDataToServer(customTrackingId, forEvent:type == T2ViewTrackingTypeLoad ? "load" : "appear")

The NavigationBar

Styling of the NavigationBar is completely in the hands of the application.

How can custom Ads be displayed?

To add your own Ads to the content of a Liveblog you have to implement two things. An AdProvider T2AdProvider intended to manage the reuse and loading of Advertisments during scrolling and an AdView T2AdView to display the Advertisments in the content. You have to register the AdProvider to the TickarooSDK by calling [TickarooSDK registerProvider: forAdType:]


The AdProvider needs to implement the following method, which is the entry-point for loading Advertisments when they are appearing on screen.

- (void)loadAdViewForRow:(TApiAdRow *)row
                      ad:(TApiAbstractAd *)ad
              completion:(void (^)(UIView<T2AdView> *))completion;


  • row The row object; type TApiAdRow
  • ad The ad object for which the adprovider is registered; type TApiAbstractAd
  • completion Block to be called when loading the AdView is finished. Here you provide the UIView to display.

Example code for an AdProvider registerd for Ads of type TApiCustomerFrameworkAd

- (void)loadAdViewForRow:(TApiAdRow *)row ad:(TApiAbstractAd *)ad completion:(void (^)(UIView<T2AdView> *))completion {
    TApiCustomerFrameworkAd *myAd = nil;
    if ([ad isKindOfClass:[TApiCustomerFrameworkAd class]]) {
        myAd = (TApiCustomerFrameworkAd *)ad;
    if (myAd) {
        @synchronized (myAd) {
            if (myAd.adView && myAd.adView.isLoaded) {
            } else {
                HTMLAdView *adView = [[HTMLAdView alloc] initWithAd:myAd];
                myAd.adView = adView;
                adView.loadCompletionCallback = completion;
                [adView load];
    } else {


For displaying an Advertisment in the content you have to provide an UIView which implements the T2AdView protocol:

@protocol T2AdView <NSObject>
@property (nonatomic, copy) void(^didChangeHeight)();
@property (nonatomic, getter=isLoaded) BOOL loaded;
@property (nonatomic, strong) TApiAbstractAd *ad;

- (CGFloat)heightForWidth:(CGFloat)width;



  • didChangeHeight This block will be assigned by the TickarooSDK and should be called everytime the AdView wants to resize its content. You not call the block on intermediate size changes as this will annoy the user.
  • loaded Tells either or not the content is completly loaded
  • ad Should return the TApiAbstractAd instance the AdView presents.


  • - (CGFloat)heightForWidth:(CGFloat)width Here you have to return the height the AdView wants for a specific width

You can find an example implementation for an AdView displaying HTML-Ads from and one displaying simple Image-Ads in our Embed-Demo

Record videos into a liveblog

Login manager and authentication

To add this functionality you need to add the TickarooWriteSDK pod in the podfile. You can do it by inserting te following line where applicable:

pod 'TickarooWriteSDK'

To enable the Write mode you need to conform to the TickarooSDKLoginManager protocol and set a list of sportTypes. You can find a list of available sport types here. To set loginManager and sportTypes call the following method:


NSArray<NSString*>* sportTypes = @[@"soccer", @"basketball", @"news"];
[TickarooSDK setLoginManager:yourLoginManager sportTypes:sportTypes];


let sportTypes = ["soccer", "basketball", "news"]
TickarooSDK.setLoginManager(yourLoginManager, sportTypes: sportTypes)
  • Please set the login manager after you initialize the TickarooSDK.

Your TickarooSDKLoginManager needs to implement the following method:

- (void)requestLogin:(void (^)(NSString* username, NSString* userId, NSString* accessToken))callback;

This method will be called by TickarooSDK when login is needed. When called, you need to authenticate the user and call the provided callback with the user credentials (username, userId and accessToken).

TickarooSDKLoginManager example


- (void)requestLogin:(void (^)(NSString *, NSString *, NSString *))completion {
    // Get a valid user
    completion(user.username, user.userId, user.accessToken);


func requestLogin(_ completion: ((String?, String?, String?) -> Void)!) {    
    // Get a valid user
    completion(user.username, user.userId, user.accessToken)

The credentials will be saved in TickarooSDK automatically and will be requested again if they are not valid anymore or if you logout the user.

You can logout the user anytime by calling the +(void)logout; function.

Display videoclips screen.

To initialize and display a videoclips screen you need to create a VideoClipRef (TApiTickerWriteVideoClipRef), assign the id of your ticker to the localId property. Then, similar to the Liveblog screen you need to retrive a view controller from the SDK and present it. The videoclips ref needs to be presented modally (not navigate to it in a navigation controller).

Here is an example:


- (void)showVideoClips:(NSString *)tickerId {
    TApiTickerWriteVideoClipRef *ref =;
    ref.localId = tickerId;
    [TickarooSDK requestViewControllerForRef:ref callback:^(UIViewController<TickarooSDKController> *vc) {
        [self presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];


@objc private func showVideo(with id: String) {
    let ref = TApiTickerWriteVideoRef()
    ref.localId = id
    TickarooSDK.requestViewController(for: ref) { [weak self] vc in {
            self?.present($0, animated: true, completion: nil)