Liveblog Entries (Events)

The Event Object

    "_type": "Tik::Model::Event",
    // Unique ID of this event
    "local_id": "EVENT_LOCAL_ID",
    // 0 => Published
    // 60 => Unpublished
    // 100 => Deleted
    "local_status": 0,
    "user_id": "CREATOR_USER_ID",
    // Internal sort value
    "sort": "000000005e1d880a",
    // Inidicates the version of the game, when this event has been modified
    "version": 2
    // Milestone Headline (only used for milestones)
    "headline": "milestone headline", 
    // "" | "sticky" | "stickyNoHighlight" | "inplace" | "milestone"
    "highlight": "", 
    // Deprecated field is set when highlight == "sticky"
    "is_sticky": false, 
    // This acts as the displayed date/time of the blog entry
    "created_at": 1578993674,
    // Indicates the date/time of the last user-made change to this event
    "updated_at": 1578993674,
    // If event is scheduled for future publishing, this is set to a timestamp
    "publish_at": 1578993674,
    // For tag templates, lists the internal ids of the tags this event is associated with
    "tag_ids": [],
    // Only for Editor V2: Lists of content blocks
    "contents": [],
    // Only For Editor V1: Content of the event
    // Types: Tik::Model::EventInfo::BasicEventInfo | Tik::Model::EventInfo::BasicEventInfo::CommentEventInfo
    "event_info": {}, 
    // Only for Sports: Timing information
    // Types: Tik::Model::GameStateInfo::BasicGameStateInfo | Tik::Model::GameStateInfo::TimeBasedGameStateInfo | Tik::Model::GameStateInfo::BaseballGameStateInfo | Tik::Model::GameStateInfo::RankedGameStateInfo | Tik::Model::GameStateInfo::TennisGameStateInfo
    "state_info": {},
    // Information about the upload status of media
    "media": []
    // Configuration for comments, if activated
    "comments": {}

See also

Abbreviated Event Object

In several places events will be abbreviated or referenced. The reference will have a subset of the original events fields.

  "_type": "Tik::Model::Event",
  "local_id": ""
  "version": 0,
  "local_status": 0,
  "sort": "",
  "tag_ids": []

To check whether an event object is abbreviated, we recommend the following code:

 function isEventComplete(event: IEvent): boolean {
  return !!event.created_at || !!event.updated_at;

Event References (Tik::Model::LocalRef)

In several places events will be referenced. The reference will have a subset of the original events fields.

  "_type": "Tik::Model::LocalRef",
  "local_id": "",
  "version": 0,
  "local_status": 0,
  "sort": "",
  "created_at": 0