
Theme Object

A theme is a preset of Liveblog Tag Parameters. It can define all the fields specified under “Display Options” and “Color Options”.

    // The ID of this theme. Always starts with lct_
    "_id": "",

    // The display name 
    "name": "",

    // ID of the organization which owns the theme
    "ownerId": "",

    // ID of the user who created the theme
    "userId": "",

    // Unix timestamp in ms of the last udpate
    "updatedAt": 0,

    // Unix timestamp in ms of when the theme was created
    "createdAt": 0,

    // Indicates that this is a theme that has been created by default in the account
    "isDefault": false,

    // ID of the custom CSS file associated with this theme
    "customStyleId": "",

    // Object containing configuration options.
    // See Liveblog Tag Parameter for more information
    "configuration": {}

List available Themes

Request: GET /api/embed/v4/organizations/{organizationId}/themes/list.json

Path Parameters:

  • {organizationId}: (String, required) must be set to the organizationId to list themes for

Query Parameters: n/a


    // Array of Theme Objects
    "items": []