Open Graph
Linking to a web page will create rich previews just like Facebook and other social media channels do. The editor adheres to the Open Graph Protocol making it immediatly compatible with most websites. Tickaroo also supports some additional fields, as well as overriding Open Graph specifically for use in the Tickaroo Editor. All fields are optional.
Supported Fields
A rich preview generated by the editor supports the following fields:
Field: title
The main title of the target
<meta property="tickaroo:title" value="">
<meta property="og:title" value="">
- Input URL
Field: description
Description text of the target
<meta property="tickaroo:description" value="">
<meta property="og:description" value="">
<meta name="description" value="">
- Content from any element matching one of
'article', '.article', '.article-teaser', '.teaser', '#content', '.content', '.main', '[role=main]'
Field: kicker
Extra header above the title
<meta property="tickaroo:kicker" value="">
<meta property="og:kicker" value="">
Field: access
Access/Subscription indicator. Will create a extra div with property data-access="VALUE"
. This will not be visible without custom styling.
<meta property="tickaroo:access" value="">
<meta property="og:access" value="">
Field: image
Access/Subscription indicator
<meta property="tickaroo:image:url" value="">
<meta property="og:image:secure_url" value="">
<meta property="og:image:url" value="">
<meta property="og:image" value="">
<meta property="twitter:image" value="">
In addition the width and height will be used if available
<meta property="tickaroo:image:width" value="">
/<meta property="tickaroo:image:height" value="">
<meta property="og:image:width" value="">
/<meta property="og:image:height" value="">
Field: icon
Icon to display if preview picture is not available
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon">
<link rel="icon">
<link rel="shortcut icon">
- Resolve
- Resolve
Field: domain
The domain name the link goes to
- Always derived from the Input URL
Firewall Configuration
To generate rich previews, our bot will access you site. Tickaroo tries to be out of the box compatible with most configurations, but sometimes whitelisting by IT security personel is necessary.
User Agent
Our bot will access your site using the user agent facebookexternalhit/1.1
- thus emulating the facebook bot.
IP Addresses
Our bot will access your site from one of the following IP addresses: