The Liveblog (Game) Object

Due to the history of tickaroo coming from sports events, the term “Game” is used in type names for games, ticker and live blogs. The term “Event” is used for liveblog posts.
  "_type": "Tik::Model::Game",
  // local_id is use for write operations
  "local_id": "LOCAL_ID",
  // this id is used for embeding (EmbedJS)
  "ticker_id": "TICKER_ID",

  // current version of the liveblog
  "version": 25,  
  // "news" of a valid sports type  
  "sportstype": "news",

  // Tik::Model::GameMetaInfo::TitleGameMetaInfo
  "meta_info": {
    "_type": "Tik::Model::GameMetaInfo::TitleGameMetaInfo",
    // string, the display title of this liveblog  
    "title": "",

    // Indicates whether new liveblog posts will be hidden by default
    "editorial_publishing": false,
    // Start date of the liveblog  
    "starts_at": 1578996000
  // Tik::Model::Editor[] - Array of users participated in this liveblog
  "editors": [],
  // Tik::Model::GameSummary - Summary information about the Liveblog
  "summary": {},

  // Tik::Model::Event[] - Array of Events (Messages, Goals, ...)
  "events": [],
  // Tik::Model::Owner
  "owner": {},

  // (Tik::Model::Permission|Tik::Model::SharedPermission)[]
  // Array of permissions from persons/organizations who can access this liveblog
  "permissions": [],
  // Tik::Model::MarketplaceInfo::BasicMarketplaceInfo 
  // if present, information on how how this liveblog can be sold on marketplace  
  "marketplace_info": {},
  // Tik::Model::CustomTemplate if present, information about custom tags 
  "custom_template": {}
  // Tik::Model::Options::BasicGameOptions|Tik::Model::Options::TimedGameOptions|
  // Only in sports games, defines game options like half time length  
  "options": {},

  // Only present in sports games, defines the current timing information
  "state_info": {},

  // Tik::Model::GameStateInfo::TimeBasedGameStateInfo|Tik::Model::GameStateInfo::BasicGameStateInfo[]
  // Only present in sports games, list of all the phases the game has gone through
  "state_history": [],
  // Tik::Model::Content::Scoreboard::TeamGameScoreboard|Tik::Model::Content::Scoreboard::SetBasedGameScoreboard
  //  Only present in sports games  
  "scoreboard": {},
  // Unix timestamp of the last content update of the liveblog
  "updated_at": 1579007981,
  // Unix Timestamp when the liveblog was created  
  "created_at": 1434003381,

  // Deletion status of the liveblog
  "local_status": 0, 

  // ID of the user who created the lvie blog  
  "user_id": "CREATOR_USER_ID",

  // string[] list of tags for this liveblog (only used to organize and filter in pro)  
  "tags": [],
  // Tik::Model::Upstream::AbstractUpstream|Tik::Model::Upstream::MarketplaceUpstream[]
  // List of liveblog syndication sources  
  "upstreams": [],  

  // Indicates whether syndication controls in editor will be shown
  "use_syndication_controls": fales,
  // Locale of the liveblog ("en", "de", "en-gb", "en-ie", "en-au", "en-nz", "zh-tw", "fr-fr", "it-it", "nl-nl", "")
  "locale": "",

  // --- The following fields are deprecated ----
  "score_info": {},
  "state_nfo_set": true,
  "spectator_count": 0,
  "matches": [],
  "archive": {},
  "lineup_info": {},
  "upstream_game_id": ""