Liveblog Entries (Events)

Due to the history of tickaroo coming from sports events, the term “Game” is used in type names for games, ticker and live blogs. The term “Event” is used for liveblog posts.

The Event Object

  "_type": "Tik::Model::Event",
  // Global Unique ID of this event
  "local_id": "EVENT_LOCAL_ID",
  // 0 => Published
  // 60 => Unpublished
  // 100 => Deleted
  "local_status": 0,
  // user that created this post
  "user_id": "CREATOR_USER_ID",
  // Internal sort value
  "sort": "000000005e1d880a",
  // Inidicates the version of the game, when this event has been modified
  "version": 2,

  // Tik::Model::Editor
  // if present, the user displayed as the creator of this post
  // if not present the user id will be used
  "editor": {},
  // Indicates if this post has a highlight status
  // Possible values: "" | "sticky" | "stickyNoHighlight" | "inplace" | "milestone"
  "highlight": "", 
  // This acts as the displayed date/time of the blog entry
  "created_at": 1578993674,
  // Indicates the date/time of the last user-made change to this event
  "updated_at": 1578993674,
  // If event is scheduled for future publishing, this is set to a timestamp
  "publish_at": 1578993674,
  // For tag templates, lists the internal ids of the tags this event is associated with
  "tag_ids": [],
  // Lists of content blocks (the actual content of this post),
  // See "Contents" page for mor detailed information on this field 
  "contents": [],

  // Information about the upload status of media
  // See "Contents" and "Media" page for mor detailed information on this field
  "media": [],
  // Tik::Model::Content::SportEventContentBlock  
  // Only for sports events, has event type (goal, ...) and timing information
  "sport_event": {}
  // Configuration for comments, if activated
  "comments": {},

  // Milestone Headline (only used for milestones)
  "headline": "milestone headline",

    // Array of tags, referring to custom templates
  tag_ids: [],

  // deprecated fields
  "event_info": {},
  "state_info": {},
  "reference": {},
  "followup_event_id": "",
  "source_event_version": 0,
  "source_event_id": "" ,
  "is_sticky": false,
  "upstream_game_id": ""

See also

Abbreviated Event Object

In several places events will be abbreviated or referenced. The reference will have a subset of the original events fields.

  "_type": "Tik::Model::Event",
  "local_id": ""
  "version": 0,
  "local_status": 0,
  "sort": "",
  "tag_ids": []

To check whether an event object is abbreviated, we recommend the following code:

 function isEventComplete(event: IEvent): boolean {
  return !!event.created_at || !!event.updated_at;

Event References (Tik::Model::LocalRef)

In several places events will be referenced. The reference will have a subset of the original events fields.

  "_type": "Tik::Model::LocalRef",
  "local_id": "",
  "version": 0,
  "local_status": 0,
  "sort": "",
  "created_at": 0