Deep Linking

Construct a Link to a Specific Post

To deep link to a specific post you can add #tickaroo_event_id=EVENT_ID to url of your page. This will only be evaluated once when a liveblog initializes.

Moving to a Specific Post via Javascript

You can also move to a specific post via the javascript API. the following exmaple illustrates this:

<script async src=""></script>
<tickaroo-liveblog id="my-liveblog" liveblogId="LIVEBLOG_ID" clientId="CLIENT_ID"></tickaroo-liveblog>

  function onClickSomeNavigation() {

Configure Deep Linking Behaviour

Deep linking behaviour depends on how deep the specific post really is:

  • If the post is already on the page, the widget will just scroll to it
  • If it is not on the page is within a certain range below the current window, the widget will just load all posts until the specific post and then scroll to it. How far this behaviour goes can be controlled via the deepLinkLimit parameter. Beware that lots of social media posts will make this behaviour unreasonable, due to unstable scrolling positions from loading social media stuff. If you use a lot of social media, setting a very low deepLinkLimit or even 0 is adivsable
  • If the post is to far down or if it is above the current window the widget will do a complete reload and show a new window of posts including the specific post. By default the target post will be the first one in the new window. By setting the deepLinkDepth option to a value greater than 0, the widget is instructed to load some posts above the target. Beware that lots of social media posts will make this behaviour unreasonable, due to unstable scrolling positions from loading social media stuff